Help yourself by taking a SMART approach to your mobility

Discover the 5 steps to the SMART approach and learn about the best things you can do to prevent problems related to mobility, aging and wellness.


Before, during and after activity.

As a warm up, as a break, during repetitive activities, and as a cool-down after activities, stretching helps you to move easily, keeps your muscles flexible and relaxed, your joints mobile, and relieves tension and strain.


Get moving. Keep moving. Stay moving. Through the seasons. Through life. Find activities that you enjoy. Walking and gardening are two examples of ways to get your whole body in motion.

Add It Up

To maintain your mobility, make every movement count. Add up all you do in a day and aim for a minimum of 60 minutes of movement every day. To gain mobility, plan activities, throughout your day that keeps you moving for periods of at least 10 minutes each. Aim for a minimum of 60 minutes of activity every day.

Reduce Strain

Tool, such as computers and keyboards, purses and backpacks, gardening tools and equipment, are meant to ease work, not cause additional strain. Take measures to fit the tools to you, not you to the tools.

Talk To A Physiotherapist

Physiotherapists are the health care professionals dedicated to enhancing and restoring your mobility. Physiotherapy’s unique contribution to health care stems from its advanced understanding of how the body moves, what keeps it from moving well, and how to restore mobility.

Book an Appointment

Get up. Get here. Recover.

Take control of your physical health, relieve your pain, and regain your strength.

Get up. Get here. Recover.

Take control of your physical health, relieve your pain, and regain your strength.

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